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MSB - Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency.

The Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency

The Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency (MSB) is responsible for helping society prepare for major accidents, crises and the consequences of war.

Taking part in a mission

MSB is always looking for committed and skilled experts for our humanitarian, resilience and peace support operations.

About NATO membership

Sweden is now a member of NATO. Being a part of NATO makes Sweden stronger, both from a military and a civil preparedness standpoint. For most people, Sweden’s NATO membership will have no material impact.

MyPages - Field Staff

MyPages is a web portal where anyone who is interested in working on MSB operations can register.

The rescEU medical stockpile in Sweden

The medical stockpile contributes to the development of common European preparedness within the framework of rescEU.


1 August 2024
Time 9.30

Scoping aircraft sent to Bulgaria and North Macedonia

Several large forest fires are raging in southern Europe, including heavy fires along the mountain range along the Greek-Bulgarian border and in northern Macedonia. Now, Sweden, through MSB, is sending four scooping aircraft to assist in the firefighting efforts.

24 June 2024
Time 14.38

Bilateral meeting between MSB and DHS S&T

On June 12-13 MSB hosted the annual bilateral leadership meeting with Department for Homeland Security (DHS) Science and Technology Directorate (S&T).

22 May 2024
Time 8.36

MSB and FEMA signed a Memorandum of Understanding

On May 7, the U.S. Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and MSB signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU).

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